Monday, June 29, 2009

For Sports Sake...

Do you know what all South Africans have in common? I can't imagine anyone would because we're always celebrating our differences and not our sameness. But really, now, think about it...what makes South Africans a nation and not a country, a people and not a race, gender, creed or sexual orientation? Sport.

Are you disappointed? Were you hoping for the formulae to happily ever after? Not on this blog. I've never considered myself sporty but I think I might have to revisit my decision. Watching the Boks vs Lions game on Saturday I was transported to the wild, where the lines between hunters and the hunted are blurred. It was pure exhilaration, tension, drama and of course testosterone. I tell ya, there were some very happy South Africans in the stadiums and in the pub.

But here's what gets me, after a "difficult" but winning match against the British and Irish Lions its no surprise that despite your thoughts on how the game was played, if you were South African, you would have been glad we won. On the other side of the coin, Bafana Bafana narrowly missed history in a remarkable game against Spain, the top ranked team in the world. The suspense was palpable as the game went into extra time. Playing against the giants, the boys faced them head on and impressed the country.

Sure, they didn't win but I don't think there were many South Africans who didn't take a double take at our soccer team. I certainly sat up for a second and thought, "Man, that's cool." And it was.

So to Bafana and the Boks, well done. Bask in the glory, you deserve it. And to all the backslidden sports fans out there, if that doesn't want to make you paint a South African flag on your cheek than nothing will. Stumble Delicious Technorati Twitter Facebook

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