Thursday, March 18, 2010

Honest Prices in Cape Town

The 2010 FIFA World Cup is just around the corner and South Africa's hospitality and tourism industries have promised to play fair.

In just over 2 months thousands of football fans will be arriving in Cape Town, South Africa's Mother City. What a lot of fans who prefer not to travel to the host nation to support their country don't realize, is just how much damage experiencing the World Cup can do to their wallets. It's been happening for centuries, when ever a big event is held in a foreign land the locals will automatically push up their prices. This enables business men and woman to make a hell of a lot more money then they usually would. Restaurants, hotels and the small shop on the street corner could easily push their prices up during the month of football mania but the big shots have agreed not too. The major role players in the cities tourism and hospitality industry have gathered together and signed The Code of Responsible Pricing for South Africa. To further enforce the agreement, anyone who feels they are being ripped off during the World Cup should report the establishment in question to the Tourism Grading Council.

The pricing should be no different to what 2010's peak season pricing will be in the Summer Holidays. Officials will not be unable to monitor every price that goes on offer but they will be able to provide guidelines. It's best that everyone doesn't take advantage of guests during the tournament and make this one of the greatest tournaments in history. Stumble Delicious Technorati Twitter Facebook

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