Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Biting The Bullet

Times are tough, there's no debating that, the economy is in crisis and we have to ensure that every penny is a well spent one. But how far would you go to provide for your family?

I find myself in a precarious predicament, as the food increases, as petrol goes up and as my child gets older, the expenses become a constant worry. I find myself watching a television programme and working out an internal budget. It's insane! So while chatting to a friend, who was kind enough to lend an ear, I started to realize that my situation was worse than I thought. Saying the words out loud, solidified the problem for me in my mind and I asked a question purely to see the reaction on her face, "Maybe I should get an evening job?" I paused and waited for the gasp and look of horror but she smiled and said, "If you get one, tell me where to look because I'll need one too."

I started to wonder if my pride was standing in the way of ensuring a brighter future for my family. I used to waitress, it was fun, when I was 18 but the more you progress in life the harder it is to go back to that place. Granted I'm only 24, it's still considered by many as a step backwards. What other option is there but to do whatever you can to take the pressure off in a time like this?

So as I scour the classifieds for a second job, I'd love to know what you guys are doing out there. Leave me a comment, Id love to hear your opinions on this matter. Stumble Delicious Technorati Twitter Facebook

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