Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Dark Ages

There are so many prejudices in this world that it's hard to keep up with "what's new in discrimination". I'm being facetious and rightly so, because one prejudice keeps rearing it's ugly head, not matter how far we think we've come in our society. I am, of course, speaking about homosexuality. It's still an issue, even today and that shocks me. If you haven't heard about the recent case in Mississipi, I'd like to share it with you.

In this story there's a girl, who dreams of a perfect prom night. A sacred right of passage in the American culture, that is forever a cherished memory of dancing, laughing and the clinking of champagne glasses, toasting the end of an old chapter and the beginning of a new one.The only difference is that she wants to share it with princess charming instead of the "traditional" prince. So she requests permission to bring her unconventional date and because of the outcry and disruptions caused, the prom is cancelled.

This is where it starts to get confusing according to my logic, which last I checked, was an accurate part of my thinking process. How is punishing the entire school as well as a woman who has a different sexual preference, moving forward in the fight against discrimination? Isn't a school filled with teachers, given the gift to impart knowledge and wisdom, a sanctuary for the people who are victimized in this manner? Instead an important part of a girl's history will now be lost because she is a lesbian. Not to mention the other students that have to suffer in the wake of this uncalled for scandal.

It saddens me to think that there are still so many people out there that are unwilling to accept anything different, isn't what makes us different makes us unique at the same time? These kids should be given a fantastic prom, one they will never forget, regardless of this hiccup. And if she wants to bring her girlfriend, what's the harm in that? I think the real harm has come in the reaction to this situation. She will face many battles in the real world, this should definitely not be one of them. Stumble Delicious Technorati Twitter Facebook

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