Thursday, March 25, 2010

A New South African Breed

I've always been fascinated with the elusive road to fame, having never traveled on it myself. My dream is to follow in the envied footsteps of world renowned author JK Rowling. It seems almost unattainable, but when I hear or read stories about Charlize Theron and Freshly Ground, I like to think that our talent will eventually allow so many more South African people to experience the fame monster, or as I would like to think of it, the fame fairy. What can I say? I've been bitten by the fame bug and like the countless masses, I too will be on the hunt for success.

This brings me to my point, I've heard a song played on the radio a couple of times that has just stuck in my head. One of those tunes you continue to hum in the elevator on the way to your floor. It's catchy and the voice is very sexy. However, I've never heard the name of the song or who performs it and after humming it all the way to work this morning, I decided my mission would be to figure it out. To my surprise, it's performed by a twin duo, who are Capetonians. Even more surprising is the age of these two talented performers, they are in their teens!

My curiosity was further intrigued and I found myself scouring YouTube for a video. After watching one and figuring out that they sing the very popular "Sun in my Pocket" song, I was fascinated that two young teenagers have achieved a level of status that most of us spend our entire lives dreaming about. Their name is Locnville and I am impressed. Mostly by their incredibly deep voices. I find that they represent the youth of today and yet can connect to the older generation with their music. Now that's talent, I can only imagine the amount of young, hormone crazed teenage girls fawning over them. I have a feeling these boys will be entertaining for quite some time with their great music and I for one, am looking forward to it. It also revives a hope that I too can make a go of it and shoot for the stars, thanks for the reminder boys! Stumble Delicious Technorati Twitter Facebook

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