Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Root of All Evil.

I've been thinking a lot lately about ambition, the driving force behind all we do. We all ultimately have the same goal, to make as much money as we can, while we're young enough to do it. And if you're not trying to make money or a success of your life you're instantly considered a loser or "one of those hippies". There never seems to be a grey area, always black and white, most of the time anyway.

I've also thought about money, the lack of it, the want of it, the stress of it and it has saddened me that life is so dependent on a piece of paper. Maybe I say this because I don't have it and I haven't experienced the life of the rich, the people who spend their nights at upmarket restaurants and browsing in At Home for the perfect blender, which has a two thousand rand price tag. My only consolation is the poor man's theory of why money is deemed the root of all evil. The "if I had all that money I would be infinitely unhappy". Materialism can only take you so far and then it's having to rely on who you are.

I read an article recently about successful people, with loads of cash and charisma sailing their way through the elite world and it spoke of insecurity, self doubt, two-faces. Needless to say, I was stunned. Surely if you're at the top, you don't feel like that? You don't have the same issues as us working folk? But then I realized that we are only human and these insecurities are part of who we are, show me a person who doesn't experience self doubt and I'll show you a lie. So with all the same goals in mind, be successful, be ambitious, make money, why is it that as a race we are so unhappy?

Could we be in the pursuit of unhappiness? It's the like that song, we're on the road to nowhere, are we on that road? Because if we are, give me a map, I want to find the meaningful destination. While the flock descends to a place of materialism and society's definition of success, I'd like to take the proverbial road less traveled. I don't know where it leads, but surely if the world is the way it is today, it can't be worse.

I think after reading, "Tuesdays with Morrie" I've thought about what the meaning of life is and though all of these books have their inspirational message that is almost always the same, talk about cliche, the message is being ignored and this blogger wants to figure out if it's worth it. Stumble Delicious Technorati Twitter Facebook

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